
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Al Haj Abdur reahman Sailani Shah Miayn
1870 / 1871 (1286 / 1288) to
Wednesday 22nd Zilkad 1326 Hijri
( 16 December 1908 E.)

His title was Sailani and His name was Abdul Rehmaan bin Kaale Khan (Al-Haaj Abdur Rehmaan Shah Sailaani R.a.).

His father was a famous Businessman who was known to all in the city of Delhi. Janab Kale Khan Sahab was a wealthy and respectful man. Janab Kale Khan had all worldly comforts but had no children due to which He and His noble wife were leading a disappointing life. Due to this His noble wife used to be depressed and in this state she saw a noble saint who was a majzub. She ran to the saint and poured her heart out regarding her childlessness. Hearing her story the saint was very much moved and he gave a fruit from his bag and said that by Allah’s mercy, a son will be born to you who will not be a common man but will acquire knowledge and become a great Saint and will guide people on the right path.

The saint told her to keep the Son’s name Abdul Rehmaan. The lady happily took the fruit from the Saint and promised to do as she was told and she also said that she would be happy as per Allah’s will. After sometime a son was born to her and his mother named him Abdul Rehmaan as promised to the Saint.